Noncommunicable Diseases(Ncds)

Noncommunicable Diseases(Ncds)
- 12:00 am - 11:59 pm
- Seawood
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) kill 41 million people each year, equivalent to 71% of all deaths globally. NCDs include strokes, most heart diseases, most cancers, diabetes, and chronic kidney diseases.
- Each year, 15 million people die from an NCD between the ages of 30 and 69 years; over 85% of these “premature” deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries.
- ]NCDs are diseases which are not transmissible from person to person
- Most NCDs are preventable by timely interventions.
- Cardiovascular diseases account for most NCD deaths, or 17.9 million people annually, followed by cancers (9.0 million), respiratory diseases (3.9million), and diabetes (1.6 million).
- These 4 groups of diseases account for over 80% of all premature NCD deaths.
- Tobacco use, physical inactivity, the harmful use of alcohol and unhealthy diets all increase the risk of dying from an NCD.
- Detection, screening and treatment of NCDs, as well as palliative care, are key components of the response to NCDs.
What we do
Tulips Foundation organizes Awareness campaign for primary prevention, Detection camps for NCD, Treatment with affordable medications, Disability limitation camps and Community participation